学校紹介 School Introduction
重点事項 Important Matters
〇生徒の主体的活動の伸長 Extension of Students’ Independent Activities
School management considering in the opinions of students
Engagement based on club activity guidelines
〇環境の整備 Environmental Improvement
創立30周年記念 築山庭園 30th Anniversary of Foundation Tsukiyama Garden
右に「友愛」の文字の入った石碑、中央に創立50周年記念の時計台(永遠輪 ときわ)がある。
Tsukiyama Garden was built to commemorate the 30 anniversary of the school’s founding. On the right side of the garden is a stone monument inscribed with the word ‘fraternity’. Later, a clock (named Tokiwa) and stone base were added to the garden to commemorate the 50 anniversary of the school’s founding.
‘友愛’ is the intimacy between brothers (and sisters) as well as friends. Also, it means a deep compassion to others.