宝塚市 市勢要覧 2014
市民の力が輝く 共生のまち 宝塚
Takarazuka, town of harmonious coexistence - The power of its people sparkles
Surrounded by a naturally abundant environment, including the clear flowing Mukogawa River and the lush green of Rokko and the Nagaoyama mountains, the city of Takarazuka now celebrates the 60th anniversary of its foundation. This year also brings us the 100th anniversary of the world-famous Takarazuka Revue, and the 20th anniversary of the Tezuka Osamu Manga Museum, which displays the achievements of prominent Japanese manga artist Osamu Tezuka.
Against the backdrop of this wonderful natural environment, and the history and culture built up over time by our predecessors, the people of Takarazuka continue to work hand-in-hand to make Takarazuka into a city that people want to keep living in, visiting, and supporting.
“Takarazuka City Overview 2014”is filled with the charm of our city, introducing its regional resources, and unique aspects of the community brought about in cooperation with its citizens. We hope that this pamphlet helps to deepen your feelings for our city, and lets you rediscover its attractions.
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企画経営部 広報課
〒665-8665 宝塚市東洋町1番1号 本庁舎4階
電話:0797-77-2002 ファクス:0797-74-6903